Thursday 18 June 2009

Amateur Girl at Hull Truck: in 150 words

A one-woman show about a nurse who supplements her income with home-made photos and videos for a distinctly male market? I had my doubts.

But Amanda Whittington's Amateur Girl is better than that summary implies – there's the quiet desperation of a woman treading the poverty line and doing what she can to avoid it...she may be brazen, but not always proud of how she does that.

Julie Riley achieves a generous balance between humour and pathos in her sympathetic and self-assured performance of the nurse unable to find a man who loves her for more than sex (in fairy tales, you've wicked step-mothers: in reality, wicked step-fathers). When she's told that her life is no longer about who she is, but who she wants to be, the inescapable conclusion is that it's actually about what she is, ie. a focus of male sexual desire.

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